Sports Performance Exclusive Coaching Community
Get a Behind-the-Scenes Look at Elite Sports Performance Training from the Industry’s Top Coaching Experts
Dear Coach,
It is my job to go out and find the most effective, most powerful training methods being used today. It is my job to search the entire country for the fastest teams and most powerful athletes... and discover their secrets.
Discover what works, what doesn't and what training methods will give you the most impact and the best results.
Then I come back here and share all this specialized information with coaches, trainers and their athletes. And that is how we have had such success with all of our sports performance education courses. I find the best coaches, with the best information (those getting real results) and I share that information.
Courses like: Lee Taft's Complete Speed Training & the Certified Speed & Agility Coach Certification, Adam Feit and Bobby Smith's Complete Jumps Training & Complete Guide to Training the Female Athlete, Wil Fleming's Complete Olympic Lifting & the Certified Weightlifting Performance Coach Certification, Pat Rigsby and Lee Taft's Sports Camp Empire, Dr. Chris Mohr's Complete Sports Nutrition, Robert dos Remedios's Complete Program Design, Jim Kielbaso's Complete Football Speed, Dave Gleason's Complete Speed Games, Mike Boyle's Complete Sports Conditioning, Complete Youth Training, Complete Core Training, etc.
Now those courses are just that- full blown courses that take months to develop. What if you want to know what is working today, right now? Then we need to be able to turn around information quicker.
And what if there's just a quick tip, exercise, drill, method or explanation that could help you coach your athletes? Well, we are not going to create a whole course around it, BUT, it is information that will help you become a better how do I more easily get this information out to those coaches who need it?
These have been my questions over the past couple years and I have not had a great way to deliver that information to you...until now!
Introducing the Athletes Acceleration Inner Circle!
This is exactly why I have created a sports performance resource for you to gain access to this game-changing information.
With the Athletes Acceleration Inner Circle, you will finally get all the new training methods you need to increase speed and improve agility and get the best sports performance training education like you never thought possible.
Athletes Acceleration's Inner Circle
The Inner Circle is a way for me to offer you the latest sports performance that you need in a fast, effective and affordable method.
It will help you add the most effective training methods to your current routines. With these methods, you will learn how to quickly and easily add speed and agility and improve performance for any athlete!
Athletes Acceleration Inner Circle is a membership program that gives you the methods you need to take your training and your coaching to a whole new level.
Athletes Acceleration’s Exclusive Coaching Community
Here’s a quick look at what you’ll get instant access to as an Inner Circle Member:

Coaches Corner
Impactful interviews with expert coaches. Get the precise answer to important questions, giving you the best information from the top coaches in a short amount of time. This will be videos, interviews, and demonstrations of the skill and techniques that we can bring in and teach our members. We do monthly interviews with coaches and open it up to Q&A from our members.
Brett Bartholomew, JL Holdsworth, Andy McCloy, Matt Durant, Wil Fleming, Dr. Ken Clark, Molly Galbraith, Dr. Evan Osar, Dave Gleason, Alwyn Cosgrove, Fred Eaves, Ken Mannie, Nick Tuminello, Lee Taft, Melissa Lambert, and Johnny Parker are some of the coaches that have been on so far.

Speed & Agilty
You will be kept up-to-date in what is happening in the speed world. Filming will be taken to different locations to get video of other professionals who are getting results. There will be some quick video tips and some in-depth material covering everything speed & agility related.

In this segment we will research what is going on in the industry that is different and improving athletes. This will be conditioning workouts, metabolic training, demonstrations of the skill and techniques that we can bring in and teach our members.

Strength & Power
This segment is dedicated to strength and power: footage and interviews to educate on the “why’s and how’s” of strength and power development.

Technique & Mechanics
Exercises, drills and mechanics. Focus on technique of running, speed & agility, and specific movements, plus great video breakdowns.

Recorded presentations, lectures, webinars, and hands-on sessions covering all topics of sports performance and strength & conditioning. Exclusive to Inner Circle members.
Presentations from elite coaches like Mike Boyle, Eric Cressey, Lee Taft, Wil Fleming, Sue Falsone, Josh Henkin, Carlo Alvarez, Dave Jack, Adam Feit, Bobby Smith, Jim Kielbaso, Chris Mohr, Dave Gleason and more!

AA Engage
Support from our Community and Expert Coaches
Athletes Acceleration's Inner Circle will have it's own private Facebook group. Join other high level sports performance coaches. Share what's working, exchange ideas, ask questions, and build relationships with other top coaches.
In the Community forum, our AA family gets together and discusses all things sports performance. We talk:
- speed development
- team training
- mindset
- leadership
- strength training
- conditioning
- just all things sports performance and coach development related
We share our thoughts and struggles and also shed light on overcoming whatever obstacles are currently holding you back.

The Business of Sports Performance
Covering all things that will help you run and grow your sports performance business! How to get more clients, marketing, sales, hiring staff, training staff, creating systems, creating a culture, getting referrals, creating an online presence, program design, etc.

Special Member Resources & Bonuses
Get exclusive discounts on Athletes Acceleration products and other AA approved products, services, courses, and tools. Special members only bonus products and courses. As an Inner Circle Member, you are eligible to save 10% on ALL Athletes Acceleration's regular priced products and courses!
There are over 300 videos of pure sports performance content in the members area waiting just for you!
...Developed Specifically For The Sports Performance Industry (Coaches and Facility Owners)
Join The Athletes Acceleration Team!

Inner Circle Membership
Membership is only $39.95 today to join the Team! This is a monthly membership.
When you become a member of the Athletes Acceleration Inner Circle, you will immediately gain access to:
- Premium Workouts & Exercises
- Exclusive Interviews By Elite Coaches
- Specialization Courses
- Private Facebook Group
- Exercise Database
- Sports Performance Business Content
- Special Seminar Presentations
- Members Only Discounts & Bonuses
Get These Free Bonuses Just For Joining Us Today!
Recordings of some of the Complete Speed & Power Summits are in the Vault and are not available to get anywhere, however...we pulled 6 presentations from the CSPS event exclusively for this group. When you join the Athletes Acceleration's Inner Circle, you will have access to these video presentations:
- Acceleration Development (in the field) - Jim Kielbaso
- Jump Training - Adam Feit
- Speed & Agility Training for Today's Athlete (in the field) - Bobby Smith
- General to Specific Speed - Lee Taft
- Movement Based Games (in the field) - Dave Gleason
- Dynamic WarmUp/Reactive (in the field) - Robert dos Remedios
- Plus other special sports performance sessions!
NEW Free Bonus When Joining the Inner Circle
The Speed Encyclopedia
by Travis Hansen
All-In-One Breakthrough Program Geared to Increase Speed, Strength, Acceleration, Performance, and Conditioning.
Endorsed by several NBA, NFL, MLB, top notch collegiate strength and conditioning coaches, and other industry experts.
Here is what our own Lee Taft says about the Speed Encyclopedia:
"I recently got my hands on a book that I personally think will take speed training to a new level. Travis Hansen hit a home run with his book called The Speed Encyclopedia!"
Purchase on Amazon for $59.95 or get the download for free when you join the Athletes Acceleration Inner Circle!
It’s Your One-Stop Solution For Becoming A Better Coach And Staying Up-To-Date On The Latest Sports Performance Training Information!
Join The Athletes Acceleration Team Today!

Inner Circle Membership
Membership is only $39.95 today to join the Team! This is a monthly membership.
When you become a member of the Athletes Acceleration Inner Circle, you will immediately gain access to:
- Premium Workouts & Exercises
- Exclusive Interviews By Elite Coaches
- Specialization Courses
- Private Facebook Group
- Exercise Database
- Sports Performance Business Content
- Special Seminar Presentations
- Members Only Discounts & Bonuses
The Ultimate Speed, Agility, Strength & Conditioning Resource Specifically Designed for Sports Performance Coaches!
With Athletes Acceleration’s Inner Circle there is no commitment, and there is no contract. You are free to cancel at anytime - for any reason.
I know if you just put one of the methods to work, you will start to see an immediate change in your coaching abilities and your athlete's speed and agility.
That is just how effective these methods and training tactics really are!
But, if you aren't happy or satisfied... then you can simply cancel your membership at anytime without penalty or worry!
If you want to secure your athlete's future success and start increasing their abilities (and your own coaching abilities) today, then join the Inner Circle right now.
-> Join Us Today and Become an Inner Circle Member!
Patrick Beith
Owner & Founder, Athletes Acceleration
P.S. - I want to leave you with this one thought...
The only way you can become a bad coach or a second-rate trainer is to STOP caring about your athletes' progress and to STOP trying to get better and improve your skills.
With the Inner Circle you will grant yourself the methods and tactics from expert coaches, increasing sports performance, speed and improving agility - in any sport, at any level!
You are basically improving your abilities and your own, personal resources while enhancing the lives and the talent of your athletes. And you are doing it for a minimal price.
This is a rare opportunity; so don't let it pass you by. Join Athletes Acceleration’s Inner Circle right now; you have nothing to lose. Join us today.
Join The Athletes Acceleration Team Today!

Inner Circle Membership
Membership is only $39.95 today to join the Team! This is a monthly membership.
When you become a member of the Athletes Acceleration Inner Circle, you will immediately gain access to:
- Premium Workouts & Exercises
- Exclusive Interviews By Elite Coaches
- Specialization Courses
- Private Facebook Group
- Exercise Database
- Sports Performance Business Content
- Special Seminar Presentations
- Members Only Discounts & Bonuses